In light of next week’s Council Election, the Lots Road Neighbourhood Forum asked the election candidates for their views on the issues facing the Forum area, especially the proposed development of the Lots Road South site. Each political party with candidates in the Chelsea Riverside Ward was invited to answer the following three questions:
1. What do you believe are the key local issues facing the residents and businesses in the Lots Road Neighbourhood Area?
2. How do you view new developments in the area, particularly issues such as building heights and the impact of new developments on the employment zone and on local infrastructure and services?
3. What is your approach to the specific development of the Lots Road South site?
Thankfully, all three parties, Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat, responded and the answers they provided can be found in the three attachments below.
While some Forum members may already have cast their postal votes, and whether or not members are persuaded by the points the candidates make, these statements will help the Forum hold whoever is elected to account in the months and years ahead.
With thanks to the candidates for taking the time to respond in this way.